Dale Healey, DC, PhD

Chair, ACIH
Commissioner, Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA)
Dean, College of Health and Wellness, Northwestern Health Sciences University


Dean, College of Health and Wellness, Northwestern Health Sciences University

Dale Healey graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic in 1996 with a bachelor of science in anatomy and doctor of chiropractic degrees. In 1997, he accepted an adjunct position teaching several courses at a small massage therapy school and learned quickly that he loved the energy of educational environment. When offered, Dale jumped at the chance to add administrative duties to his teaching responsibilities. In 2002, Dale joined Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU) as the dean of the School of Massage Therapy. Dale’s responsibilities at NWHSU over the years, until in 2015, he was named the dean of the newly formed College of Health and Wellness, which includes programs in massage therapy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, nutrition, post baccalaureate prehealth, and undergraduate studies.

In 2014, Dale completed his PhD in Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development at the University of Minnesota. His dissertation is focused on the perceptions of medical students toward complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and their plans to incorporate elements of CAM into their future medical practices.

Dale is currently the vice-chair for the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA). Dale has been involved in working toward state regulation of massage therapists for several years.